In the beginning…

***d+pad Retro-posting EXTRAvaganza***

JoeSo here we are at the beginning, except that it’s really 6 years later that I’m writing this (August of 2007 to be exact).

I’ll explain…

Since d+pad began in April of 2001 there has been a handful of hosting changes, several different comic serving scripts, and more data-losing calamities than I care to think about. One of these was particularly destructive and resulted in the loss of years of my original comic posts. Sad yes, but life goes on.

After that, I continued posting as usual, but the new system I was using to run the site didn’t keep the posts and their associated strips on the same page. Doing so would have meant a complete overhaul of the d+pad site and re-posting every one of the over 300 comic strips and their post entries one by one. If you’ve noticed the (sometimes significant) gaps between comic updates you’ll probably understand that I wasn’t in a position to take on such a project. That is until now. No, I don’t suddenly have more time–if anything I have less–but I do have help, and it’s high time to put d+pad back on its feet.

So here we are. Working together with my better half, Emily (aka oof), d+pad is finally getting its from-the-ground-up overhaul. With the archives re-loaded into a customized WordPress-based system, I’m now going to take a trip through time and copy in the original posts as they appeared when they first ran. If I don’t have the original posting, I may fill the gap with a special comment or insight into what was going on at the time or what inspired the comic. I’ll write those posts in italics so you can tell when it’s a retro posting and not the original, but I’m sure you’re smart enough to figure it out regardless. Think of it as d+pad with the Director’s commentary (that’s me).


joe at dpad dot ca

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